2024 Nov 08 | Ben Franklin, stores around Foodland, Ala Moana mall shopping
Sunrise color on the lower clouds...
... and then the higher ones.
This roll of paper towels has all of these little pieces that fall off. It must have been cut wrong or something.
Some new restaurants coming soon in Waikiki.
I'm always a bit sweaty here, even a few hours after I shower. I've only had my keyboard wrist rest for a few months and it's already all discolored from the sweat.
As is the wrist rest on my mousepad.
I didn't get that good of a picture with my DSLR. It's amazing how far the camera phones have come.
On the Mongolian calendar, certain days are good and bad. The days with the scissors are good for haircuts.
Tuesday is health.
Wednesday is wealth.
Thursday is beauty. Hmm, I think I'll go on Tuesday for health.
Low clouds in the mountains.
Shopping at the newly-opened Target.
They have leis, just like Walmart. Although not the ones I like.
There are two levels.
I bought some fortune cookies to eat over the next few days.
Ogii likes the fat from the Korean BBQ for her skin.
A circular rainbow.
George's mom from Seinfeld is on Night Court.
As is the bad guys' mom from The Goonies.
Checking out Ben Franklin.
Halloween discounts.
Kids stuff.
A cute bag.
This is really neat. Local artists can put their items in here and sell them.
This one has a little motion-activated light that turns on when you walk by. That's brilliant.
Dollar-bill origami. I like the sea turtle.
I have always loved miniature stuff. Here are some tiny staplers and scissors.
I also always loved dowels.
We came here to look for a metallic marker. I don't see any here.
The employee told us they were over here. Perfect.
Silver and metallic shirt iron-ons.
Lei-making supplies.
Including kukui nuts.
And ribbon.
Pop Rocks and Astronaut Ice Cream. This store is amazing.
Local cards.
Yep, they're definitely Hawaiian.
Another hot lava RAV4.
Nice mural.
There are many restaurants, mostly Asian, in the same parking lot as Foodland.
I think this is a new store with a variety of stuff.
A grandfather clocks.
Grabber games.
Christmas trees.
That reminds me, Ogii wants a real tree. There is a local Christmas tree farm and also Habilitat, which donates the money to local people in rehab.
One of the restaurants.
Thai over here.
And Italian with a ton of dishes.
We found an Advent calendar at Foodland.
I think we'll pass on the Cinnamon Churros Baileys, though.
Nothing we want in the markdown cart.
These look like McRibs. Are they any different?
Time has a Pokemon on the front cover.
There's another one with a different one.
And another.
And another.
I wonder how many there are?
That's a sneaky way to make Pokemon fans buy more stuff.
I've seen rear-facing cameras on cars before, but never mounted like this.
The daily schedule for our cruise is available in the app now.
I can plan everything out in advance rather than waiting for the daily sheets.
We were a bit worried about our plumeria getting enough rain as we'll be gone for three weeks, but the rainy season is starting, so it should be fine.
The poker group we're going with had to make some last-minute changes to the poker schedule on the cruise. Celebrity told them the poker room couldn't be open if the casino wasn't open, even though the poker room is a private group not related to Celebrity, due to the gambling laws of the countries the ship will be in the seas of. It only really affects day two, a sea day, as they had planned to be open at 9am and now won't be open until 7pm. Then there are a couple of days where the poker will start at 9pm instead of 7pm, but since there is a show at 7pm and a game show at 8pm, that doesn't affect us much, as we wanted to go to the shows anyway. There are also two nights where they will have to close early in the evening instead of staying open who knows how long (maybe midnight or even into the morning), but we weren't planning on staying up that late playing anyway, so that doesn't affect us much, either.
A very low rainbow.
A bit of a double one.
The canal gets very dirty after heavy rains.
I need to take a picture of my drivers license for verification, but my phone won't focus on it well enough to read the barcode.
Getting some massages.
This restaurant has a ton of pictures of customers.
Christmas decorations are starting to go up.
Their ostrich has a Santa hat.
A big rain cloud coming over the Ritz Carlton Towers. Let's walk a bit faster so it doesn't rain on us.
We got a good deal on our place; we're paying less than that.
Sunset from the Ala Moana mall.
We went to the Apple store to pick up a laptop.
They're quite busy. The laptop wasn't available yet, so they said come back in thirty minutes.
We went to one of the food courts to get some mochi donuts and boba tea.
These birds have figured out this is a great spot to grab food that falls on the ground.
Sugar Factor has a few signs that are good for selfies.
Another on the other side.
And one in front.
We stopped by Eco-Town Select. I found a couple of Hawaiian shirts and these shoes.
More expensive shirts are behind the counter.
This one was there the very first time we came here around six months ago.
I really like it, but it's $400.
Comic Con is this weekend at the Convention Center. We saw a few people dressed up as we drove by.
The Predator costume is amazing.
Friday night fireworks.
Gifts for Ogii's family. The Apple Store ended up never getting the laptop Ogii ordered that night, but they did have a different one with the exact same specs that we could buy. So we bought that one and canceled the order.
The most restrictive airline we'll be on is Hong Kong Express. The checked bags have to be under 70 pounds, which we're not even close to, but the carry on and personal item together have to be under 15 pounds, which isn't very full. That's a couple of laptops and maybe only a few other items per backpack, and they charge a lot of you're even a little overweight, so we divided all of our stuff up carefully and brought these handheld luggage scales so we could re-weigh in the hotel in Tokyo when we re-packed for the flight to Hong Kong.