2011 Jan 30 | Amphiox

Here comes the sun.


Friday afternoon = people want to go home = hospital is shut down hard.

Peanut butter, yes!

They have lots of crackers, but I really need sweeter stuff.

That isn't insanely overpriced.

I really wasn't going to buy all of this, but then I figured I'd try to put together the most American set of groceries I could.

The controls for the sauna are in the outer room. Seems like they should be closer.

After being underground in the t-bana for a while on the blue line, you pop out and see this pretty view around Kista.

I think this guy is a bum who is just riding the t-bana back and forth. This is the last station, and he just got out, walked around a bit, got back on, and started reading his book.

A little mall at the Hallonbergen t-bana stop.

It looks like this sign is saying all of those things (elevator, restaurant, sports hall, etc) are in the little store, heh.

Ooh, an oversized chess set, cool.

There were a lot of people with skis.

The sports hall.

I didn't know they had a lottery here.

Sometimes the escalators stop if nobody is riding them. Then, if you get close, they'll start up again, which really scared me when it first happened to me. I think these are it's "eyes."

Ooh, that smells sooooo good.

An empty subway is rather spooky.

When the subway gets to the last stop, it waits for a bit, then goes back the way it came from. However, they don't say the time it's going to leave, which is weird.

Someone needs a room, and it looks like she taped up a fake 1000 SEK bill to get people's attention. Pretty good advertising.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, oh yeah.

Why in the world would the bus only go one way on Saturday and Sunday? It has to get back to where it started for the next run, so it might as well hit the stops on the way. (As someone pointed out to me, the times for the bus going in the other direction are at the stop where the bus actually goes in the other direction, duh.)

Amphiox is the big dinner they have for new students. Although they did everything in Swedish, not English, so I had no idea what was going on the entire evening unless someone translated for me.

They split up the men and women, lined us up, and then filed us to our chairs so we'd meet new people. However, I didn't want to do that since I don't speak Swedish, so I kind of pushed my way to the end of the table so I could sit by some people I knew.

Almost all of the guys were in black suit coats and white shirts.

The women were mostly in black dresses.

Salad to start.

Some girls in our little group.

They had lots of little performances, although they were all in Swedish, so I didn't understand anything.

Another one.

You got three drinks for free.

Everybody eating.

Dancing to Flashdance.

Love this song.

I didn't want to use the flash too much since I didn't want to distract them.

Cancan dancing.

How do you know if you drank too much? Things that are hard to say. ... Things that are very difficult to say. ... Things that are almost impossible to say: No thanks, no more liquor for me! Now it's time to go home. It is a day tomorrow as well! Sorry, you are not my type!

Another group of singers.

Apparently the engineering students wear orange pants.

People dancing on stage.

Some song they all knew the moves to.

Dancing to a Lordi song, a Finnish band that won the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest.

Yummy yummy brownie.

Some professor guy?

Sexual interaction within and outside of class A. Interactions within the class B. Interaction outside of class at KI C. Interaction of amphioxen 2011 D. Interaction with Corpus Karro Lina

Headed somewhere else.

Maybe these are older students?

People up on stage.

Giving us really weak drinks.

Drinking them.

Now a toast, I think.

And dancing on the chairs.

Still dancing.

And dancing to dance music.

A video of the night.

I want chicken noodle soup, but I don't see any noodles.

Ramen noodles, score!

Gotta remember my laundry times.

You have about 1 second to open the door to the elevators in the dorms or they'll go away if someone else calls them. It's way too fast, especially because I'm usually reading some ad.