2011 Nov 14 | LACMA

This group of street lights at the front of the LACMA is probably my favorite thing about the place.

California in the 1900s.

Funky designs.

These are cool.

That's a bit creepy.

Some big paintings.

I wonder what "M" is for?

Ah, mechanical. Weird they would have a stop for every floor for this in the passenger elevator; you'd think they'd have a separate elevator or stairs just for staff.

This giant elevator was just an exhibit. I think; we should have tried to go in and see if we got stopped.

That's interesting.

Lots of words.

What do we have here?

That's... impressive.


But is it really "art" to take someone's words? Hmm.

A big pile of plates.

Aw, I loved the balloon dog.

Neat train.

This thing was huge.

I liked this one.

Seen those at other places.

At first I thought this was a guy bowling, but they're actually two separate pieces.

Old lady watching the world.

A video of people painting themselves.

This was fun to walk through.

It was a bunch of thick plastic ropes.

Animal heads.