2023 May 27 | Hopland: wineries

The plan for today was to check out some wineries. There are a ton around Hopland.

Gotta fill up with gas first. Remember when gas prices jumped up and everyone's credit cards were hitting the limit years ago? I didn't know that was even a thing any more. Or maybe this is just an old sticker. Or maybe we just drive vehicles that don't have that big of fuel tanks.

Ogii cleaning the windows.

Rivino is the first winery.

Lots of vines.

Lots of awards.

Choosing which wines we want for the tasting.

The first pour.


Ogii tasting.

Me smelling.

They have a nice outdoor patio.

And some chairs to look out over the vineyard.


Wine and vine.

Our rule: one glass of water for every glass of wine.

Port at the end.

Big glass, small glass, water glass.

It's a beautiful day; let some sun in.

Fields of grapes.

Jaxon Keys was the second winery.

Up some steps.

Pretty display.

And another.

Some wines.

An old picture with a sheep.

Our tasting menu.

Out on the patio.

A bit of sun over here.



"Are you chewing gum?!"

Water here as well; it's so nice they provide this.

Glasses and fields.

Hey, what are those?

Some little red bugs.

She came back and asked us what we were doing crawling around on the ground. We're not that drunk, I swear! We're just getting a closer look at the bugs.

Gotta get a picture of the bottles of the ones you like so you remember.

Ogii thinking.

Me through a glass.

Cheers! Drink that water.

Third winery was Saracina; nice entrance.

Very open lawn seating.

Very modern inside.


First pour.

Ogii by the front doors.


Lots of good wines.

We were in a hurry as we had haircut appointments soon, and our server was happy to keep the bottles coming quickly.


Both of us.


A wine cellar, although it was locked.

But this couple was looking at it for their wedding, so they opened it for them to see.

And I snuck a quick peek over their shoulders.

Very upscale pictures, and then a llama in a hat.

A llama outside.

Ogii is a bit giggly after three wine tastings.

Very nice waiting area.

I got my haircut first.

Then Ogii got hers.

We were laughing and joking the entire time; it was very fun.

Ogii looks gorgeous.

Lunch time. We weren't in the mood for anything upscale, just some burgers.

So this place was perfect.

Then onto to Thatcher hotel, which looks very unique.

Nice library.

A bar.

Where you pick up your room key.

A small cafe.

Our room.

Very modern looking.

I think this is the first hotel room I've stayed in that didn't have a TV.

The plan was to walk to a few more wine tastings in town, but we ended up napping all afternoon. I guess we're too old for that now.

There was a bar and restaurant right across the street with live music we could see from our room.

We went to Stock Farm for dinner.

Neat door.

Wood-fired pizzas.

First with soup.

Their minestrone was amazing.

And then a pizza.

With dessert.