2023 Jun 23 | Mongolia, day 2 - arriving, Tsogt and Naraa's home

Tsogt and his granddaughter Anir picked us up at the airport. They had roses for Ogii.

Driving to Tsogt and Naraa's home, which is 45 minutes from the airport on the side side of Ulaanbaatar.

Someone on a motorcycle herding horses.

First view of the city.

It's growing fast, and the easiest way to get to their condo is this back road.

I love the giant Rubik's cube.


Some family: Nomin, us, Tsogt, Naraa, Enkhee, Bayanaa, and Oyundari.

Enkhee got us a SIM card, which was used by Monica.

Judo on TV.

It's actually being held in Ulaanbaatar.

The Mongolians are doing well.

Women, too.

Also winning.

Also rodeo-like events, including catching a horse...

... and picking a rope up from the ground.

Time for gifts. We brought a small toilet like the ones we had in the Sonoma treehouse, which they could possibly use at the resort they own.

Alcohol and boots for the adults.

Shoes and a shirt.

More clothes.

And shoes.

Gifts for the kids, too.

Including dresses.

Gifts for us: chocolate and money.

Their biggest bill is 20,000 tugrik, which is around $5. Which means you have to carry a lot of cash if you want to make big purchases, although almost everyone uses credit cards for those.

Some tea.

Lots of construction.

So many cranes.

A neat statue in the middle of the road, with the energy plants behind.

Naraa took us to the condo we are staying and traffic is crazy; people squeeze into lanes all the time.

More of the city up on a hill.

A lot of cars have small curtains in them.

And also decorated handles.

Ogii used to work here.

Lots of Pizza Huts, and they got a good phone number.

There are a lot of tiny shops in individual shacks by the side of the road.

Old building being torn down in front; new building in back.

Trees growing on top of this building.

A temple.

Another one.

There are a lot of karaoke pub night clubs.

A cool tower in the middle of a traffic circle.

Our condos.

Ogii opening the door.


Living room. Yundee came to meet with us and to take us to Ogii's dad. Yundee is a cousin Ogii grew up with.


View down to the little children's park.

A patio.

Looking south a bit.


There are a lot of bolts in the locks.

Fuses are hidden behind this wall panel; good to know where they are, just in case.

Yundee gave us two more SIM, one of them is eSIM, so it's just a number you type into your phone rather than a physical card.

The internet is fast.

Ogii unpacking more gifts for people.

The hills around the city have many yurts and small houses.

We stopped by her dad's yurt, where he spends his summer.


Her father's girlfriend Juujee cooked dumplings for dinner.

Video calling other family on the phone.

Out front.

Then we went to the houses of the uncle Nainaa who Ogii grew up with.

Looking at old photo albums. Ogii's grandfather by a deer head

Uncle Nainaa and his wife Oyunaa and Ogii's grandfather.

Lots of family.

Ogii's parents and Dagii.

Ogii's grandmother with aunt Shanz (Ajaa), Yundee and Oyunpurev, whome Ogii grew up with. Ogii's dad and his brother Nainaa.

And even more.

Ogii giving some gifts to Nainaa, an uncle she grew up with.

And Oinoo, his wife.

Ogii gave them sea turtle necklaces from Hawaii.

Right next door live another uncle and aunt she grew up with.

Her uncle Munkhuu.

And her aunt Ajaa.

A few gifts.

Necklaces for them.

And more photo albums, Ogii was in a lot of these. Young Ogii with Ajaa and Yundee

Ogii, uncle Munkhuu, Oyunaa, Chemka, and Ajaa.

More food.

And then another gift for Ogii.

A deel, a traditional tunic.

Their houses are side...

... by side.

Drinks with both couples, along with Yundee, on the left. I'm wearing the traditional hat I received as a gift.

Everyone out front.

Right now we're in the city in the central north-east. Soon we'll be driving all around.