2023 Jun 24 | Mongolia, day 3 - east - Chinggis Khaan statue (Tulgaa and Nomin drove us), Banki and Oyunaa's home

We drove east from Ulaanbaatar to the Chinggis Khaan statue. On the way we saw some smaller statues of horsemen.

Even more.

And finally the big one, at 130 feet tall.

Entrance gate.

It's a very touristy area. They have bow and arrow shooting.

You can also hold an eagle.

So of course we had to do that.

The owner said to move your hand up and down a bit...

... because then it would put its wings out to sturdy itself and look better for the picture.

There were also some camels.

The camels here have two humps.

Ogii and Borolmaa on a camel.

Hang on tight.

And it's up.

Me with them in front of the statue.

Video of the eagle and camel.

Time to go check out the statue.

Us in front of it.

Ogii and Nomin.

A few steps leading up to it.

Right underneath.

A huge boot inside.

An elevator.

Although it only goes up a few flights; you have to take the stairs for the rest.

It's very cool that you can go up to the top.

Great view.

Looking back.

Close up on his tashuur, a horse whip.

And his sword.

Below the statue is a museum.

Horse rider.

Me with some Mongolian rulers.

Their wives.

At one time they covered a huge area.

Old weapons.

Neat painting.

Ogii by a very tall Mongolian.

Most people only come up to his waist, as you can see by where the ruler is rubbed off.

Neat saddle.

A kid climbing up a horse.

Half of a yurt.

You could sit inside.

You could even rent traditional costumes to wear for a picture.

The family out front.

Lots of goats on the sides and even walking across the road.

A video of them. Ogii likes looking at the babies.

On the left is turtle rock.

Which looks like a turtle.

The family beneath it.

The road was full of holes and bumps. If you don't want to get stuck behind slow trucks, you just figure out a way around them and the other slow vehicles.

Some dinosaur statues. We saw some dinosaur bones from Mongolia in the Black Hills.

We went to the Tereli Hotel for dinner.

Fire and a pot.

Sculpture of a woman.

And Lenin.

This sign is actually fabric.

Outdoor patio.

Wet napkins.

Our steak.

Monica's salmon.

Everyone eating.

Say cheese!

The kids got ice cream.

Looks good.


In the lobby.

Everyone out front.

The kids playing chess.

Bear statue.

The vehicle had different types of seat massages.

Palm trees, although they're fake.

It's tough adapting to the time change, especially after the long flights.

King's door in Ulaanbaatar.

Different sets of skyscrapers.

That evening we went to Banki's and Oyunaa's home; Banki cooked pork belly for us.

Everyone always has so much food.

Gifts for their daughters, Amingoo and Aminhusel.

And some for their son, Telmuun.

Some clothes for Oyunaa.

You always have to do a few group shots.

And of course the snuff bottle exchange.

Banki actually makes them, and he gave Ogii and I one each as a gift, so we could exchange them with people.

You exchange, sniff, and then exchange back.

All of the adults with their snuff bottles.