2023 Jun 26 | Mongolia, day 5 - south - Yolyn Am Ice Field in Gobi Desert

Entrance to the Yolyn Am Ice Field park.

We drove through a dust devil. Thankfully it wasn't a tornado.

No shooting the mountain goats.

There are some up on a hill.

A bit of a drive on dirt roads.

The parking lot.

What is this?

Ah, a food truck.

A few covered picnic tables.

With a few vendors.

Some older pictures.

You can also rent horses instead of walk.

But we decided to walk.

Some birds flying around.

Crossing a tiny stream.

There are cows sitting around.

An ovoo is a cairn shrine. You add a few rocks to it and circle it clockwise before continuing.

Everyone going around.

Better view of the valley.

Some nice-smelling plants.

Monica smelling them.

A little bridge.

A tricycle in case you get tired of walking.

Some people on horses.

Another ovoo.

Little break on a rock.

A small path up the rocky wall.

Monica and Ogii.

Many of the ovoos had flags wrapped around them; this one also had a sign which said, "Protect Mother Earth."

I see a bit of ice!

Now an entire field of ice.

It looks pretty thick; we shouldn't fall through unless we stand on a thin edge.

It's pretty dirty here from everyone walking on it after walking on the dirt.

A little non-ice space around the side.

The three of us.

Multiple sections of ice.

Some rock sticking out.

Much thicker here.

I didn't expect to see a huge field of ice in the Gobi Desert; crazy.

Here you had to climb down from one section and then up onto the next.

No ice here; is it done?

Nope; another ice sheet a bit farther ahead.

Then that one ends.

And another begins.

And we're only about halfway through the ice field.

A little bird.

I liked the blue tinge to the ice here.


Ogii looking through a hole.


One more hole shot.

And then onto the next section.

Which was divided in two by a river.

Gotta pick a side.

Because it would be dangerous to try to jump across.

Still going.

And going.

Another spot where some rock sticks out of the ice.

And we reached the end of this section.

A bit more ice...

... and then only rock.

Multi-colored rock.

There might still be some more ahead, but we decided to turn back.

Most people were on the right side.

The ice is very thick here.

You can see how deep the valley is.

And back to grass.

And then back to more ice.

Very thick here as well.

Area with big crystals.

Melting with a river underneath.

Some prayer flags up on the side.

Close up on them.

It was a bit steep coming down from this section.

A guy hand-carving little items.

He's blind; that must make the job really hard.

All of the ones he has made.

Ogii bought a few.

A camel for Monica.

And a mountain goat for us.

He carefully wrapped them so we wouldn't break them on our hike back out.

I found some really big rocks to put on this ovoo.

Crossing the stream.

One of the horses stopped there for a drink.

Some flowers.

The stream ran through the grass here.

There were a lot of cows wandering around near the end.

Gotta get some good pictures of them.

And video, too.

A baby eating.

Follow the water.

Some yaks up on the hill.

A baby.

Monica getting a picture.

We stopped in the food truck for dinner.

They had an assortment of food and drinks.

And even wifi, although it didn't seem to be working now. I like how they covered up the password with a little piece of paper; you have to buy something to see it.

The router and a speaker to play some music.