2023 Jul 01 | Mongolia, day 10 - west - dogs and horses at yurts, healthy spring water, arriving Khuvsgul-Sor Resort

We woke up with horses wandering around the yurts.

A baby.

The dogs were out, too.

Ogii petting one.

The door is like a TV with a nature program on.

Except nothing on TV ever wanders into your living room to check and see if you have any food.

Mostly still in bed.

A video of the dogs and horses.

The grass was wet from the rain last night, but they had some extra rain shoe covers.

Getting water from the nearby stream.

Lots of flowers.

The kids are all good about going to the stream to brush their teeth.

Rolling up the sleeping bags.

Cooking breakfast.

With gas containers connected to camping stoves.

Dishing up.

Eating outside.

The dogs get the leftovers.

Ogii had a little cut on her finger. Better safe than sorry; let's put some antibiotic ointment and a bandage on it.

A big truck driving by.

Waiting for goats to cross the road.

Another province.

Lhavgaa is a police officer and trains other officers.

A shrine.

Many little vendor stands.

Lots of horse milk for sale.

A cat wandering around.

Some yaks.

A shrine with lots of fabric strips.

A deer statue up on a hill.

Beautiful view.

We stopped at some springs near the Ikh Bulag Resort.

The water from different areas is supposed to be good for different organs.

Ogii filling a bottle.

Which ones are these?

Head, nose and throat, and eyes.

Everyone waited their turn.

This one was for diabetes.

Crossing a little log bridge.

To get over here.

Ogii putting some on her head.

Me with a few bottles.

Everyone all full.

A wide river.

More goats on the road.

And some cows.

A few people herding their cows across a bridge.

They all stayed in their lane.

A little baby in the back.

Drive fast, before the goats decide to cross the road.

Dropping by the house of a relative of Turuu, although nobody was home.

Some baby cows were there, though.

So cute.

Video of Ogii betting one of the baby cows, and also waiting for the goats and cows on the road from earlier.

A few miles away is a town.

Some other relatives live there.

The have a nice garden.

Playing chess. We each one won one game and then drew the last one. Very close.

Also playing cards.

Ogii enjoying her lunch.

A tall tower.

Very colorful roofs.

Another province.

A grocery store.

Except their system was done.

So nobody could check out.


Another statue.

Another Costco-like store.

Their food court is upstairs.

Ogii snuck in to pay for these.

A farmer with some reindeer.


Full moon.

A pretty stream.

Some fake palm trees.

The roads on the way to the resort were still being worked on. This one ended, so instead of going all the way back and around, we drove through the grass. Although one vehicle got slightly tipped, so we had to give it a little push.



We can see the lake.

They had teepees and yurts to stay in.

Very cool.

Multiple beds in all of them.

Ogii in front of one.

They had a boat on land by them, too.

With some lights.

And some colorful Adirondack chairs.

Full moon above the river.

Above the trees.

Khuvsgul lake is very large.

It seems there is a ferry that goes between the north and south shores.

A restaurant.

We had reserved dinner.

Which was very good.

After dinner, we went to hang out by the lake for a bit.

And snack on the fish we had bought at the roadside stand earlier.

Everyone singing folk songs together before bed.