2023 Jul 04 | Mongolia, day 13 - west - herders working, visiting the birthplaces of Ogii's parents, baby goat, Uliastai

We were all bundled up in the sleeping bags on the floor of the yurt in the morning.

While they were already up and working.

Milking the cows.

The baby cow has to wait a bit to eat.


Some wool.

Dog taking a break.

The most important item: phone chargers.

They have a different provider out here, G-Mobile, as the providers we have don't get a signal.

Inside the yurt.

Making breakfast.

Especially as the herdsman has to head out early.

The cows are way out on the hills.

Bringing some back.

A video of some of the animals.

Helping with breakfast for everyone.

And figuring out which gifts to give.

Receiving some in return.

Making a pipe.

For a gift.

The kids always like candy.

A small town nearby.

We don't get singal in most areas, only by the towns. So far we've been near one every day long enough to keep our Wordle streak going.

The lake where Ogii's father was born.

Some offerings into the lake.

And from the top of a hill.

Tsogt and him placing some incense.

Ogii too.

All good.

Ogii throwing some offerings.

And Naraa.

Lots of birds came.

To eat the offerings.

At the top of a rock.

The birds swooping down.

The we went to the birthplace of Ogii's mom, which was this huge rocky hill.

A memorial circle.

You had to be careful to not touch this plant; it would really burn.

Ogii placing some incense.


In front of the hill.

All of us.

Long dirt road.

Spotted horse.

Wild onion.

Picking it to cook with later.

And another plant.

A tiny newborn goat.

Tsogt ran and grabbed it so Ogii could hold it for a bit.

Ogii was a little apprehensive about holding the goat at first.

A small local airport.


Goats on the road.

Another province.

An actual city, Uliastai.

A little bridge over a river.

Neat street lights.


Their car is awfully dusty.

We stopped here to have one of the cars looked at.

A convenience store nearby.

Everyone got ice cream.

We visted Tsegmed Umba, Ogii's grandfather's brother's wife, Galindiv, her dad's cousin, and his wife, Lhagvasuren, for lunch.

Tsogt exchanging gifts.

And Ogii.

This car rack was coming off; nothing a boot as a spacer and some duct tape can't fix.

He had a workshop to cut some wood to help, too.

They have a great view of this beautiful temple up on a hill.

The Soyombo, the Mongolian flag symbol, out of rocks.

There were some pretty modern houses in town.

Her relatives owned these small cabins and yurts at the edge of town.

They were building them to rent out to tourists.

The yurts were already done, so we stayed there.

Good internet.

Gotta catch up on news and email.

Ogii napped a bit.

Preparing food for all of us.

Stirring the food.

Everyone eating.

They planted small trees all around the edge of the property. Those will be great in a few years.