2023 Jul 05 | Mongolia, day 14 - west - Uliastai temple, Mt Otgontenger

Cabins and yurts in the morning.

Some cows walking around nearby.

Including some baby ones.

Making breakfast.

The wild onions we picked.

Fun pictures of cars on the doors of a garage.

A modern hotel downtown.

Some of our group stayed her last night.

We took showers there.

The bath mat has feet.

A little cafe.

Outdoor patio.

Some tables on the north.

More on the east.

A view of the temple.

Each floor of the hotel had a diffrent picture by the elevator.



Nothing on this floor.

Looking down at the lobby.

We walked over to the temple, which is up on a hill. There were a few sculptures at the base.

A few more.

A shrine.

The temple on top of the hill.

There were a few paths up.

A ivew of the city.

A shrine at the top.

Neat wall and streams below.


Many Buddhas.

In individual areas.


And another.

Some smaller ones.

Up in the top sections.

Near the end.

At the east side.


They're working on this.

A statue at the top.

And another.

Beautiful view.

You can see the house of the relatives down there.

And the yurts we stayed in over here.

We walked up the south side of the hill and now came down the north side.

A temple down here.

Ogii in front of some big doors.


Prayer wheels.

More here.

Some statues in front.


Praying with monks.



Whole family.

They upgraded from the boot to the cut wood for the car rack.

Checking tire pressure.

Getting some groceries.

The more groceries you bought, the more times you could play a round of shagai to try to win a prize.

Not much room left.

Cows walking on the street in town.

A shrine up on a hill.

The city below.

Everyone throwing offerings.

Including incense.

Ogii placing some.

And me.

Ogii throwing milk.

Her dad.

Everyone else, too.

Everyone throwing offerings.

Me under the arch.

Another small shrine.

Where we are on the map.

Mt Otgontenger, which is sacred and is capped by a permanent glacier.

Zoomed in.

A flower with the mountain.

Throwing some offerings.

We all dressed up nicely to get pictures with the mountain.

With our snuff bottles.

All the different family members.

In different groups.


Exchanging snuff bottles.


Another group.

And another.

The women.

The men.

Ogii and me.

Ogii offering milk.

More flowers with the mountain.

Cows are at the arch now.

We drove to the south. Thankfully the water wasn't too deep here.


Fork in the road.

Bumpy field.

Big truck.

Asking directions.

Stopping for dinner.

Everyone eating.

Ogii digging out the marrow.

Small plants.

A small town.


Multiple routes.

Some rain in the distance.

Horses by a river.

Bird flying.

This sign even had a QR code.

A few camels.

Very empty paths.

About to arrive in Altai after driving all day on dirt paths.

Driving through town.

Their home is northwest of town a bit; they directed us through the fields.

The yurts at night.

Some food waiting for us, even though it was 1am.