2023 Jul 11 | Mongolia, day 20 - visiting family

It was very crowded leaving the ceremony.

Picture out of rocks on a hillside.

A statue of steins pouring out flowers.

Statue of the four harmonious animals from Buddhism.

We stopped by Nainaa and Oinoo's home.

For drinks...

... and gifts.

The four of us.

Ogii's grandmother.

Ogii's grandfather.

Ogii's great-grandfather.

Ogii's grandfather and grandmother with relatives.

In back: Nainaa (uncle Ogii grew up with), Ogii's mother, Ajii (the aunt Ogii grew up with), Ogii's grandfather. In Front: Naraa, Ogii's grandmother holding Ogii, Ogii's sister Aya, and Chemka in front.

Then onto Munkhuu akh and Ajaa's house, with lots of snacks.

A toast.

Ajaa giving Ogii her grandmother's hair clasps.

Very pretty.

Family photo out front.

With Ogii's uncles and aunts.

Then onto Banki and Oyunaa's summer home they recently built.


They tore it down and rebuilt it here after the floods.

Inside the yurt.

Very detailed.

Us inside.

Resting on the bench outside.

Cooking lots of meat.

Time to eat.

Setting the table.

Window service.


Everyone reading.


Ogii wants some ice.

Here you go.

A toast.

Mongolian and American Coke.

In front of the yurt.

He put his office inside a shipping container.

It works well.

Everyone out front.

Shrine up on a hill Ogii used to walk to.

Then onto Ogii's father's yurt.


More gifts.

Ogii exchanging snuff bottles with her father.

Ogii's father's girlfriend prepared lots of food.

Preparing drinks.

Handing them out.

A toast.

Video of the toast.

Ogii looking at old pictures with her father.

Some on the wall.

Gifts to us.

From Ogii's father's girlfriend.

And from Ogii's father.


Us with some gifts.

Us with them.

Playing dominoes.

Who will win?

A video.

More gifts, from Dulguun...

... and Namuunaa.

Very nice backpack.

And one for Ogii.

Us with Ogii's father.

And uncles and aunts.

Turuu exchanging snuff bottles with Ogii.

And with me.

Be careful to not drop it.

Everyone together.

Saying goodbye.

Us in front of our condo.

Tsogt and Naraa with some final gifts.

A ring for me.

And earrings and a ring for Ogii.

Very nice.

Some of our gifts laid out.

And more.

And more.

And more.

We had planned to go back with plenty of space in our luggage after giving gifts to the family there, but we got so many gifts from them as well, everything was still jammed in with no free space.

The booklet for my bracelet.

Good to remember it's from the Zee Bad collection by Baigal.

I can delete my note of important Mongolian sayings now.