2023 Aug 06 | testing Nanodropper, Del Norte County Fair, San Jose First Friday

Presents leading up to Ogii's birthday.

First up: wooden jigsaw puzzle.


Finishing in only one day. That was supposed to take a week or so.

Many bunnies and quails.

01234567, although the first two are out of order.

Good Omens 2 is out, so of course, we binge watched every episode. Not as good as the first, but still entertaining.

Almost done with Married With Children. The one with Robert Englund (Freddy Kreuger) as the devil was fun.

Now onto the next TV show: Cheers.

Ogii's next gift: a Hawaiian shirt.

Nanodropper is a new product that you put on your eyedrop bottle to make the drops smaller.

That way you use less each time and save money. I tested it, and you get about 3.5 times more drops out of a bottle with it.

Of course, saving money doesn't matter if it's not as effective, so I tested that, too. First by checking pupil dilation size and time.

And then by checking anesthetic time and fluorescein staining degree. Although the bottle for that has a different cap, so I had to dump it into a regular bottle fist.

Testing corneal sensitivity.

And fluorescein. The effectiveness was pretty much the same as without the Nanodropper top. Maybe just slightly less, although that could just be variation within accuracy levels.

Then Ogii noticed the black light picks up much more dirt and stuff than you see in normal light, so she ran all around the house with the lights out looking for grime.

Another Hawaiian shirt for Ogii.

I drove up north to work, and unfortunately, it looks like the hotel I stayed in had bedbugs.


They put mattress covers on to protect the mattresses, but the bugs were on the outside of the covers.

More on the other side.

I basically stripped all the bedding looking for more, but they gave me another room.

Nice sunset.

A Hawaiian dress for Ogii.

And another.

And another shirt.

At the Del Norte County Fair.

Live music.

Carnival games.


Drinks. How can giant baby bottles be a thing?

And food.

They gave me way too many curly fries, so I gave most of the away to the people at the table beside me.



Pirate ships.

Wooden cutouts.

Drawings and paintings.


Art made by prisoners.

Ooh, a banana slug.

And a hummingbird.


Various art pieces.

Lots of vendors in this section.

Climbing wall and balls in water kids can run around in.

Pretty mosaic on this wall.

There's a BBQ stand over on this side. I would have preferred this but I already ate on the other side.

This is where all of the animals are.

The spray the pigs with water before they show them.

How the move the pigs; people carry a cage around a pig to direct it.





Looking at me.

Baby cow.

Bike riders.

With some tricks.

We went to San Jose First Friday. They had live music.

Some games.

Neat building and statue.


The end of the street market.

Fun plants.

A building with lots of art.


Video games and video game art.

That thing is weird.

A building going up.

A big bar called Guildhouse.

With board games.

Many outdoor vendors over here.

Painted skateboards.

And computer and video games.



Food trucks.

We got some tacos.


Ogii by a sculpture of the Plumed Serpent, one of the embodiments of Quetzalcoatl.

Christmas lights around palm trees.

A semaphore at the Adobe building. It actually encodes an audio file of Neil Armstrong saying, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" and was solved by Jimmy Waters, a high school math teacher from Knoxville, Tennesseein 2017.

Another gift for Ogii.

Ogii grilling.

All kinds of different meat.

A dress.

Ogii gardens.

While I fix the screen door wheel.

A gift from Dagii.

Snacks and bath items.