2023 Aug 25 | Ogii birthday dinner at Peppoli in Pebble Beach, John Wick 4

A Hawaiian shirt for Ogii.

And another.

A dress.

The Effy dolphin ring.

Close up.

A birthday cake at her work from her coworkers.

I went to this little bakery to get her a cake, too.


Presents from family.

And more.

And more.

I cooked her deer sausage.

With her cake.

Blowing out the candles.

Multicolored inside.

A pop-up hummingbird card.

Seven bunnies.

I really wanted to go to this, even though it's expensive, because you never get to swim there. They were sold out, though.

I went to the Post Office because I wanted to make sure a letter got to Hawaii quickly.

However, it was going to be $5 only only a day or two faster, so the cashier recommended normal mail. What a waste of time to drive here for something I could have just put a stamp on.

We went to Pebble Beach for a nice restaurant for Ogii's birthday. We saw some deer on the golf course.

We at at Peppoli.

Some live music nearby.

Meat cutter.

Flaming oven.

It was pretty busy tonight.

Wine list.

I think we'll avoid the $24,000 one.

Ogii trying the wine.



Charcuterie board.





Happy birthday.

Fire behind some wine glasses outside.

Sur Burger in downtown Monterey has some nice pictures on the wall.

High Scores is open now.

Lots of older games.

A second row here.

Japanese for lunch.

Ogii got sushi.

I got anything but sushi.

Their bathroom has a bidet.

Ogii cutting up meat.

Watching Cheers. They used the 876-5309 Jenny number.

A cricket.

Ogii trapped it in a pot and a strainer until I could come home and deal with it.

It's Shooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore.

Some of these Cheers episodes are really emotional.

Including this one with a veteran who met with his fellow soldiers until nobody else showed up as they had all died.

Another episode on homosexuality.

I broke the handle on my grocery bag. This has lasted me over ten years.

A southern meal.

John Wick 4 is now available to rent.

It's a beautiful movie.

Love the lighting.

Very clean shot.

Very beautiful.

They use a lot of orange and blue in the movie.

This overhead fight scene is based on a videogame called Hong Kong Massacre.


I love how there is so much trivia online now, like the Latin phrases written on the snowy steps in the movie.