2023 Dec 26 | Celtic Winterdance at St Mary's by-the-Sea, Gilroy Brazilian Steakhouse, Christmas

A couple of vultures sunning themselves in a tree.

Fun license plate.

Painting to look like a deer in the back of the pickup.

Christmas lights in Oakland.

Christmas lights at home.

Ogii decorated the tree and put all the presents under it.

Monica baked a bunch of cookies.

Eating them for breakfast.

We went to St. Mary’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church for Celtic Winterdance.

It's been here since 1887.

They have a lot of nice stained glass windows.

These ones are actually Tiffany.


And more.

The ones to the south.

And to the north.

The placed was packed.

A bagpiper started it off.

Then other musicians and a singer.

And a dancer.

A few short video clips.

The church from the outside.

There are often paragliders on the sand dunes in Seaside.

We went to the Chama Nativa Brazilian Steakhouse in Gilroy.

Don't want to fill up on the salad bar.

Gotta leave plenty of room for meat.


Ogii getting a slice.


And another.

This pineapple was great.

When we first arrived, the place was empty, but it had filled up by the time we left.

The time for a little shopping at the outlet mall.

Although I mainly stayed in the car while Ogii shopped, like this person.

And this person.

Shiny dresses.

Looking around online, they have full mirror outfits.

Although at almost $5,000, that's a bit out of our price range.

Ogii cooking roast.

She doesn't like Bad Santa, so I watched that alone.

Then we watched The Ref together.

A nice sunset.

The another Christmas movie: Krampus.

Love eating Dad's jerky.

An episode of Cheers with Kramer.

Christmas day; time to open presents.

Us with the tree.

Some presents from Dad and Mom.

A shirt from Ogii's family.

Bath stuff from Greg and Dagii.

And a card from Sarnai.

More presents in stockings.

Wait, did that wrapping paper have Ogii's name on it, then Ogii saved the paper but covered up her name with a different piece of wrapping paper? I think so.

Ogii's good at finding deals; from $80 to $20.

Lots of wrapping paper afterwards.

Lots of presents.

Including lots of red clothing for the upcoming Virgin Voyages cruise.

Time for lunch.

And our favorite Christmas movie.

It's over 80; that's my kind of Christmas.

Warm enough for a game of tennis.

And warm enough to melt these mints together into a solid chunk, but I can still eat them.

Now time for dinner.

And Home Alone.

The next day, one of Ogii's coworkers came over for dinner with her husband and their daughter.

Lots of good food.