2023 Dec 29 | NCL Pride of America Hawaii cruise - arriving, Caricature Party

The planning for this trip is the first time I've maxed out the Google Calendar word limit.

Unfortunately we weren't able to get reservations to Hanauma Bay, even though we were on the website right when the tickets became available. They all sold out instantly.

One bag has a hedgehog; one has a little turtle.

Ogii has her window seat, ready to get some pictures.


Diamond Head and Waikiki.

A water park.

Cute sea turtles on the All Nippon Airways planes.

Is that mistletoe hanging above the entrance to the airport? Is everyone deplaning going to have to kiss?

Experiment time. A lyft to the hotel would be $22.

While a taxi...

... ends up being double that price. Good to know.

Neat fence and gate.

Food trucks.

Monica reserved a room at the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani.

Pretty nice.

With a balcony.

View below.

Family photo.

A wood carver by the pool.

The Westin Moana Surfrider across the road.

A Tesla store.

A robot inside.

Big tree in the International Market Place.

Lots of stores.

Japanese one with all kinds of weird stuff.

Old people and surfers.

I picked up the car rental...

... while the gals went upstairs...

... to check out the cat cafe.

Making sure the Jeep we rented is there, although we won't actually pick it up until tomorrow morning.

Food court.

No employees at the taqueria or barbeque places. Are they open? Did the employees just not show up today?

With our food.

Ogii got a Banzai Loco Moco.

Monica got a bunch of fruit.

Famous crinkly Hawaii Coke can top.

Fresh leis in a fridge.

A store with a lot of little things.

Shopping away.

Pictures of thieves.

Ogii found a fuzzy bag.

There were a ton of these ABC stores around. We picked up some snorkel gear there.

The woodcarver was taking a break, so his wife and child were manning it. The kid was hammering away.

Us on Waikiki Beach.

It was completely packed.

Lots of surfers.

Surfer statue.

Banyan tree.

Candy store.

Flower art.

Who would buy Uggs in Hawaii?

Christmas tree decorated with sea items.

This homeless guy had a ton of stuff.

Trying on the new snorkel mask.

It's a bit tight.

Palm trees decorated for Christmas.

Carrying two surfboards.

The Top of Waikiki revolving restaurant, which opened in 1965, closed in 2020 due to COVID.

The SKY Waikiki Bar is in the same building, though.

And below that is Caricature Party.

Consisting of Aaron and Sae Mee, who sit out here in the evenings and draw caricatures of people.

We showed up early and were the third group in line.

Good thing, too, because the line got quite long quite quickly, but it moves very slowly.


The best part is when they reveal the pictures to the people.

Our turn.

It's scary when she looks at you. "What horrible flaw is she studying?"

Our picture.

The palm trees lit up.

Us in front of some.

There were other performers out on the sidewalks, too. A singer.

People with birds.

More people with birds.

A guy drawing with a pen attached to his forehead.

A hula dancer at our hotel.