2023 Dec 30 | NCL Pride of America Hawaii cruise - Diamond Head sunrise hike, boarding

Monica, Ogii, and I left early to hike Diamond Head at sunrise. We arrived around 5:30am, and there already was a line of cars; it opens at 6am.

Many people were also walking in. It looks like some taxis were dropping people off, so they'd drive in the other lane to get around all of the cars, except other taxis were coming back in that lane, so they'd have to stop and have the line of cars waiting open a space for them to temporarily move into to get out of the way.

Through a tunnel.

At check-in. It's $5 per person to hike in plus $10 to park for non-residents, but free for Hawaii residents. Although even residents still have to get a reservation in advance.

Starting the hike. It was completely packed.

Through a tunnel.

There's a longer, easier path to the left and a shorter, steeper path to the right.

We took the shorter path.

People at the top.

To the east, where the sun will rise.

To the north; hills and city.

To the west: skyscrapers of downtown Honolulu.

A cruise ship out on the ocean.

The three of us. We were pretty sweaty after the long hike.

Everyone waiting.

Packed all the way down the stairs.

Some surfers.

Big cloud to the north; I hope it doesn't come here and bring rain.





A panoramia, with me standing on the left in the red shorts.

Ogii with Honolulu.

Honolulu's skyscrapers stand out against the rest of the shorter homes.

Monica standing on the railing.

Hiking back down.

It's a long, twisting path.

Some guys playing basketball.

A little waffle place at the hotel.

Their table top looks like a beach.

Mom and Dad on the balcony.


Some spam.

Everyone in their cruise outfits.

Our leis.

Greeters at the cruise terminal.

Since we had a suite, we got personalized check-in.

Ooh, I can grab the first Freestyle and plan my day.

Some food.

Looks good.


We stopped by this area first...

... to change one of our dinner reservations.


A small variety plate.

Everyone got something different.




The pool area.

Starting to relax.

The city.

Some musicians.

Our suite was at the back-left of the ship.

Living room.

First bedroom.

Second bedroom.


Large balcony.

Which wraps around the corner.

Coffee maker and fridge.

A military packet for Dad.

With a coin.

Ogii got the sofa bed open.

Lots of hangers.

They brought small bites daily.




Dad found a helmet.

Our "Happy birthday, mom!" shirts.

With "Enjoy your Hawaiian cruise!" on the back.

Our butler, Caesar Lanic. He was very nice, helpful, and friendly, although we're not really butler people; we do pretty much everything on our own and don't need lots of stuff delivered to us.

Walking through the gym.

A bar.

A small pool.

Basketball court.


People playing shuffleboard.

People playing chess.

Ping pong.

These cabanas were nice.

Semi-private with some nice long chairs.

The pool area is fairly busy now.


Beautiful paintings in the buffet.

You could also eat on the back deck.

Bar back there.

Dad's above us.

Wine bar.

Main lobby area.

Ogii and Mom there.

Nice skylight.

Big comfy chairs.

Champagne bar.

Game room.


So many books.

Art gallery.

Mom talking with the activity director.

Mardi Gras lounge.

Hollywood theater.

On the red carpet.


Jewelry store.


Sundries shop.

Clothing shop.

Patriotic skylight.

Our schedule.

The officers.

Model of the ship.

Coffee bar.

Skyline restaurant.

A bit more upscale.

Beautiful ceiling.

Ooh, the day 2 Freestyle is out.

The other side.

I love the laid back dress code.


We put our caricature up on our door so it would be easy to find.

And Monica finally got her suitcase; she was getting a bit worried.

Swingers in this cabin.

Striploin in the buffet.


Let's compare what everyone got.

Gotta grab an ice cream cone to go.

The port at night.


Some with Christmas colors.

A red and green Christmas tree out of lights.

The pool area.

Ship name.

Honolulu skyline.

A timelapse of us leaving.