2023 Dec 31 | NCL Pride of America Hawaii cruise - Maui (Road to Hana), New Year's Eve

It's New Year's Eve in Mongolia.

We we video called Ogii's family.

Everyone wishing a happy new year.


Coming in to Maui.

There aren't too many plugs in the room, but we have a multi-adapter.

Mom's clothing plan.

Big couches in the hallway.


Map of the island.

A walking path around the ship.

Looks like beautiful weather.

Almost sunrise.

People out on the deck to watch.

Some of us were talking, and one woman told us all to be quiet. I replied there's no way it's a quiet zone, and she said there's a sign back there saying so. I went and looked, and she was right. When I came back, the guy next to me whispered, "Is it really a quiet zone?" and I said, "Yep, it really is." But then she left and everyone started talking again.

I couldn't find the channel for the bow cam. There was a menu with a list of shows but not that. So I went to guest services and asked how to get it. He said it's channel twenty three. I didn't know you could make a selection by simply pressing the numbers, I thought you had to go through the menu, so I asked how to do that. He looked at me like I was an idiot and said, "Press... twenty... three." Then Ogii started laughing at me.

But it worked.

Breakfast on our balcony.


Out watching it.

Pictures and a video.

The pier is keeping the waves out of the harbor.

Although the surfers like the waves.

There's someone water skiing behind a jetski out there, too.

The guys who tie the ship up to the pier.

We left early, so the line to get out wasn't very long yet.

You can grab towels for the day.

Just a short walk to the car rental.

Welcome to Maui!

Although we have to go through this narrow corridor between chain-link fences to get out of the port.

It has a bit of a prison vibe.

People offering rental cars right when we exit.

Although we had reserved one in advance.

A small SUV.

Some tall bamboo at Twin Falls.

Pretty flower.

Helpful sign.

Be wary of the thief.

Twin Falls.

With us.

Eucalyptus Rainbow Trees.

They're so colorful.

Honomanu Bay.

It's a steep road down, but some people made it.

They're surfing.

Since Ogii had already done the Road to Hana, she stayed on the ship to work. Not a bad location for work.

Wailua Valley State Wayside.

With a nice view of the ocean.

And inland.

There's only a tiny parking area, but we got lucky and there wasn't much traffic.

Winding road.

Some tight squeezes and many one-way sections.

A mongoose at Pua'a Ka'a State Wayside.

Mongoose cleaning itself.

Pua'a Kaa Falls.

Some people were jumping from the falls.

Waterfall jumpers.

Dew drops on a large leaf.

A stop with some small stores and food stands, including Nahiku Marketplace.

Island Chef has seafood.

A bus photo cutout.

It's a nice break after the curvy Road to Hana.

There's also barbeque.

Which was excellent.

And pizza.

No internet for credit cards, though, so cash only.

Many little fruit stands.

Lots of old cars here.

Some sheep by the side of the road.

Watching us.

Sitting down.

A video of Monica driving back on the Road to Hana.

Some waterfalls.

Be wary of the one-way bridges.

A bridge with a waterfall under it.

Very lush.

Also have to watch out for people walking to the landmarks.

Ho'okipa Beach Park has surfers.

And people taking pictures of them with good cameras and lenses.

Big waves.

Back at the ship.

Ogii taking a break from work by watching YouTube videos on her phone curled up in bed.

This outdoor restaurant...

... has fast grill food...

... and overlooks the pool.

Freestyle for the next day.

Other side.

The gals.

All dressed up.

Made-to-order pasta at the buffet.

Fruit carving arrangement.

A new year's one.

And a cake.

A lot of people out ready for New Year's Eve.


Fireworks, coundown, and music.

Ogii and me.
