2024 Jan 01 | NCL Pride of America Hawaii cruise - Maui (Haleakala sunrise, Molokini snorkel)

After an hour of sleep, time to get up and head back out.

There are only a couple of other people out here. 20240101_175026

Maui map.

The ship.

Headed out the little walkway.

Some people said you could park your car in this mall lot, although others said it might get towed.

There were a ton of other cars here, though.

Including this lifted and lit one.

To be on the safe side, we left the car in the Enterprise lot.

They said they didn't lock the gate at night, and thankfully they didn't.

We saw a few cows on the drive up to Haleakala National Park.

You have to get a reservation to see sunrise. We got there right at 3am when the gate opens so we could get a good parking spot.

Nice view of the observatory.

It was 40 degrees out...

... so I had originally planned on being in this enclosed building with large windows to stay warm.

Except it was closed for restoration.

So we went back down to the larger parking lot, which had bathrooms.

And slept in the car for a few hours.

Looks like others had the same idea. The parking lot slowly filled up.


Sunrise was just before 7am, but by 6:20am, there was already a solid like of people at the edge.

And the parking lot was full.

We're above the clouds.

Almost everyone is in full winter gear: coats, hats, and gloves.

Including us.

A few people were in shorts or even sandals.

Looking down into a crater.

Most people were in a line from the bathrooms to here.

Although a few people hiked up this little hill.

First sunrise of the new year.

A video.

Ogii and me.

Ogii throwing some milk.

Looking the other way, you could see the shadow of the mountain on the ground below.

At Kalahaku overlook, a bit farther down.

Four of us there.

Only a few other people here.

A goat.

Some cows just on the side of the road.

Looking down at western Maui.

Molokini crater to the southwest.

Very curvy road down.

A chicken with her babies.

Kai Kanani was at Maluaka Beach to take us snorkeling.

The rest of our group.

Some stuff for sale.

Fish identification guide.

They had lots of water and sunscreen.

Waiting for the boat to come in.

We loaded from the beach.

Us with the boat.

Very clear water.

Everyone on the boat.

Cinnamon rolls.

Molokini crater.

Getting ready.

In the water.




Bright blue fish.

Black fish with reflective lines on the fins.

A couple different fish.

Monica with some fish.

A fish chewing on coral.

What's down here?

An eel.

Mom and Dad.

Lots of fish.

Gotta make sure the boat is still there; don't want to get left behind.

Monica and Ogii boarding.

Granola snacks.

I bought Mom custom snorkel goggles with her prescription, but they ended up being too big. Thankfully the company had prescription goggles.

Leaving Molokini crater.

She spotted some whales.

Next stop was Turtle Town. We're pretty close to shore. Gotta remember where this is so we can snorkel from the beach next time.

One of the guides went to find turtles.

While we got in the water.

Three turtles.

One by me.

Swimming towards me.

Very relaxed looking.

A few were sitting on the bottom.

Others came up for air.

Then dove back down.

Swimming around.

Me going to look at one.

Back on the boat with drinks.

And snacks.

A video of Molokini crater, whales, and Turtle Town.

Back to shore.

Washing off our feet.

I couldn't figure out why I was so hot until I realized the car's heated seats were on high. Gotta turn that off.

Some geese with their babies.

Back to the boat. These people forgot their IDs, so they weren't letting them through the first checkpoint. I don't know why they even have this checkpoint, though, since they check us in on the boat with facial recognition.

Time for a ribbon lei making class.

They guided us.

First knot.

Getting started.


He has a very nice one.

Some people playing games.

Art auction.

Don't buy anything.

Although it's fun to look.

Some interesting ones.

Wine tasting class.

Daily snacks.

The weather forecast is pretty useless. It always says it will rain. And it does rain every day, but usually only for a few minutes. Although a coworker was here a few weeks ago and it rained for a week straight.

Tomorrow's Freestyle.

Other side.

Hiding some ducks.

Although not too hidden.


At the back of the boat.

Untying the ship.


Lit up the clouds above.

Light through a hole between the clouds and the mountains.


Singer Melissa McLaughlin.

Pretty dress.

She sang in Texas with rattlensakes around her.

And then did it again.

We sat in the front row.

She had a very powerful voice.

A few clips of her.

After that we headed to the Mardi Gras room.

For the Not-So-Newlywed game.