2024 Jan 05 | NCL Pride of America Hawaii cruise - Kauai - south (Waimea Canyon, Old Koloa Town, Poipu Beach)

Lots of fruit for Ogii for breakfast.

That's one way to hold up a sign.

Amazing sunrise.

Monica and I ran ahead to the park to get pictures of it.

The bay.

With the small lighthouse.

And some palm trees.

Today we drove along the southern part of the island to the west to Waimea Canyon. It's about an hour drive. Once you get to Waimea, there are two routes to the canyon: 550 and Kokee Road. We took 550 there. Our first stop was the Red Dirt Waterfall. From the glass on the ground, it looks like another car there was broken in to. Hope that doesn't happen to our Jeep.

To the east was a little trail through the tall grass.

To our first view of Waimea Canyon.


The we went to the west side of the road to the waterfall.

There were a couple of locations you could cross, including this little stick bridge.

Ogii hopping across elsewhere.

In front of it.

Monica up on top with a couple of other guys coming back.

A view from above.

Ogii and me.

The three of us.

Anywhere we saw a little trail through the trees, we stopped.

Since there was probably a nice view there.

With us.

The first official stop was Waimea Canyon Lookout, which is perpendicular to the canyon. You have to pay for parking if you're not a resident.

While it's normally warm all night long in most of Hawaii, up here, it was still quite cold in the morning; in the 40s and 50s. Hopefully the people in the Slingshot had warm clothing.


The canyon.

Waterfalls to the north.

Zoomed in more.

As we kept driving north, we got more view of the waterfalls through holes in the trees.

Gotta hop out quickly and check out the view.

The next lookout was Puu Hinahina, which is parallel to the canyon.


There is a little lodge you can stay at.

Ogii's dress matches the flowers.

Between two tall trees.

The Kalalau Lookout was our first view of the Na Pali coast.

With us.

Beyond that, the road wasn't in quite of good of shape.

But it lead to Puu O Kila Lookout.

With an even better view of the Na Pali coast.

Monica getting pics of some flowers.

Me getting a pic over the edge. It's nice there isn't a railing in the way.

Although it makes selfies along the edge a bit scarier.

You could keep going along the trail.

But we headed back up.

Even at 10am, it was still rather cool at the higher altitude. Similar to California; everything thinks it's so warm, and it is, down at the coast and most of the lower land, but up in the mountains, it can even snow.

We took Kokee Road back instead of 550. This route was pretty boring, especially because it didn't have the red dirt Waterfall.

Some surfers getting read.

Monica napping in the back of the Jeep.

Nice mural.

Zen temple.

This house has an ocean vibe.

Now that we're lower, it's nice and warm again.

Shaka statue.

Our next stop was Old Koloa Town.

Which has a bunch of small shops.

Helpful directory.

The buildings all had histories.

Unfortunately, most of them were now filled with cheap tourist crap.

This art studio was nice, though.

Cool wooden case that looks like a book.

This was the same guy, Abe Kowitz, who had the gallery closer to the airport. Good idea to have a couple of locations.

I love the prints on wood he has.

Huge tree.

Ogii by a statue.

Me by one.

Another historical store.

With tourist junk.

A metal sign.

Ogii going store to store.

More tourist junk.

Finally a store with some nicer items, Hawaiian Artisans.

Including these wallets made by local artists.

We bought one and received some information on the artist who made it.

Some more history.

Another art gallery.

There were some food trucks in this area.

And some more across the street.

A statue of old workers.

This house had a giant dragon on it.

I love the lava rock making up the arch in front of this church.

Our last stop was Poipu Beach.

Walking there.

It was pretty busy.

They had some monk seals there.

They were roped off.

The signs had some info on the seals.

Another one.

To the east.

Straight out to the south was a tiny island.

Simple advertisement.

Red-headed bird.

Chicken with her babies.

I dropped off everyone at the ship, then dropped off the rental at the airport and took a shuttle back to the ship.

Ogii and I had lunch at the Cadillac Diner.

I can see she's been eating some wings.


And another one.

Playing the Mongolian card game.

Ogii's not doing so well this round.

Dad tried sneaking an ace away for a later round. Twice.

Our butler stopping by.

Leaving Kauai.

We can watch the front of the ship from the bow cam on the TV and the back of the ship from our balcony.

Me getting pictures.

Of the huge waves.

Dad, Mom, and Ogii.

Ogii and me.


Monica with the sunset.

Ogii and me kissing with the sunset.

All of us.

One last buffet.

Lots of desserts.

Many grilled items.

A hidden duck.

We bought an Unlimited Basic Wi-Fi package for $29 per day (just over $200 for 7 days) thinking Ogii might use it for her work, but Ogii and I didn't use our phones or internet unless we were close to the islands and could get our regular cell phone signal, so we didn't use the ship wifi at all. Monica had her own separate high-speed internet purchase, so Mom used our wifi package.

And use it she did, for 6652 minutes, which is 950 minutes per day or 15 hours per day.


He was the last show of the trip, so they thanked all of the staff afterwards.

At Oahu.

First in line to get off.

The golfers right behind us.

Dad and Mom chatted with them for a bit.

Some Honolulu skyscrapers.

I love the open-air garden in the middle of the airport.

Lunch there.

Also love the fresh leis in the fridge.

Ogii getting some pics of Oahu as we leave.


With Diamond Head.

Diamond Head.

A video covering the entire cruise.